Microsoft Talent


We won’t flush your career down the toilet

We get it, you’re either constantly approached for roles that aren’t suitable, or you just want someone to understand your career goals and put your needs before a sale.

It’s not about stuffing people into vacancies…

We’re not interested in just filling vacancies, we’re here to help you reach your career goals.

We know recruitment gets a bad rap, and it should be better.

Your Big (Career) Picture Matters

We’re all about your big picture: Your long-term career goals, we’re not just helping you with a transactional job move. We want to make sure it’s the right move for you based on the direction you want to go in.

Need a steer on what the current market is doing?

Should you stay? Should you go? Not sure what the market’s doing? We get that you might want to know what the market is doing before you put time and energy into looking for your next career move. Get in touch with one of our team to see what’s happening out there.

See what roles we are recruiting for and start a conversation!


Dual Microsoft MVP

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As a recruiter, Will carefully matches the candidate's needs with company expectations. He matched me with my perfect job.